Editorial Policy (Recommended for News Websites)

Effective Date: 20/02/2025

At Eva Headlines, we strive to provide our readers with accurate, fair, and free from influence journalism. The mission of all content produced by Associated Press is governed by our editorial policy, which has guided our reporting for more than 165 years and underlies our credibility, transparency and responsibility in everything we publish.

Editorial Independence

Eva Headlines has no affiliations with political, corporate or personal interest. Our journalists and editors operate based on journalistic ethics and the public interest, not on outside pressures.

Accuracy and Fact-Checking

• Our Content is Accurate — We aim to be accurate in all our reporting, and all content is thoroughly researched and fact-checked prior to publication.

• We depend on trustworthy sources, such as government agencies, expert opinion, fact-checked news agencies and reporting at the scene.

• We identify errors as they are flagged up and correct them as needed.

Fairness and Impartiality

• We report the news fairly, giving balanced coverage to all sides in a story where it is applicable.

• Our reporting does not play favorites nor have a bias, so that readers can make their minds on facts.

Transparency and Sourcing

• We transparently cite our sources and provide context for our reporting.

• Anonymous sources are used only when required; their credibility is rigorously evaluated.

Editorial Independence and Ethics

• Our journalists operate under strict ethical rules and professional journalism standards.

• All contents are original or appropriately attributed to the source as Plagiarism is strictly forbidden.

• We do not publish fake, misleading, deceptive or sensationalist content just to drive traffic.

User Contributions and Content Moderation

• To curb misinformation, hate speech, and inappropriate content, comments and user-generated content are moderated.

• We encourage reader engagement but do not support the opinions of those expressed in user comments or guest contributions.

Corrections and Updates

• We seek to update or correct the text of any article that has inaccuracies, as quickly as we can.

• Correction of substantive errors are noted, when applicable, in the article.

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• Advertorials and advertisements are clearly separated from the editorial content.

• We don’t allow advertisers to determine the coverage and editorial independence our audience deserves.

Editorial Review Process

• Each article is sent for an internal review prior to publication to confirm its compliance with our editorial standards.

• We constantly review and update our best practices to ensure our editorial team creates quality content.

Complaints and Feedback

• If you’re convinced we’ve published inaccurate or misleading information, please get in touch through our Contact Us page.

• We treat all complaints seriously and consider them under the provisions of our editorial policies.

Eva Headlines follows the principles of ethical journalism to serve its audience with reliable and meaningful news. Thank you for trusting us to provide the news you can trust.